Support U.S. Postal Workers

Jul 13, 2015

Resolution:    Support U.S. Postal Workers, Boycott Staples! No to Privatization!

Whereas, the U.S. Postal Service has a no-bid, sweetheart deal with the big-box chain Staples to operate postal counters in more than 80 stores in 4 states;

Whereas, the U.S. Postal Service has plans to expand this operation to more than 1,500 Staples store across the United States;

Whereas, these postal counters are staffed by low-wage, high-turnover employees with little training and no credentials to handle U.S. mail;

Whereas, the U.S. Postal Service and Staples are refusing to staff the postal counters with unionized, uniformed U.S. Postal Service employees who have the training and experience to properly handle U.S. mail, and who have sworn an oath to uphold the highest standards of public service;

Whereas, non-union “postal” jobs at Staples will inevitably replace living-wage, union jobs of U.S. Postal Service employees;

Whereas, current legislation in the U.S. Congress would make it easier to close U.S. Post offices;

Whereas, consumers are increasingly concerned about identity theft at large retail chains and privatizing the handling of U.S. mail will jeopardize the sanctity and security of the mail;

Whereas, instead of offering lower quality service and selling off public assets, the U.S. Postal Service can and should use its unmatched nationwide network of people and facilities to better serve the public with expanded hours and new services, such as low-cost banking, which could aid millions of low-income consumers;

Whereas, the NC Public Service Workers Union-UE local 150 provides quality public services to our community ,

Whereas, protecting good-paying jobs and maintaining universal services as well as affordable mail services for the U.S. public is essential;

Whereas, the NCPSWU-UE 150 opposes privatization of public services in government , schools, colleges and universities and other public institutions;

Whereas, the NC PSWU-UE150 members as public service workers and postal employees are fighting a common battle against privatization, and

Whereas, many N.C. Government employees frequently purchase school supplies, office supplies, and other products sold at Staples Stores;


• Supports the American Postal Workers Union (APWU) in its efforts to protect good-paying jobs and its insistence on the highest possible standards of customer service;

• Opposes efforts by the U.S. Postal Service to privatize operations and to sell off valuable public assets;

• Along with friends, colleagues and family members, are urged to no longer shop at Staples stores until further notice;

• Will submit and advocate at the upcoming UE 150 state convention , Eastern Region Council and UE national convention for a boycott of Staples to begin during the back- to-school period this summer;

• Will be communicate this call to boycott immediately to members of all social justice organizations, other local unions, and to our sister unions and to the news media.

Submitted by Angaza Laughinghouse, Pres. UE150 on behalf UE Local 150- -NC Public Service Workers Union ‘s Executive Board